It felt like a very bad idea at this point...
All smiles again! That wasn't so bad after all!
Emerson's first 4th of July!!
Emerson had 4 different outfits for the Holiday, but this one was my favorite!
Emerson loved playing on the floor at the Lodge and had a wonderful view. Obviously, the lake air didn't do any favors for her hair :) :)Emerson and I spent a lot of time at the pool on our little vacation. She LOVED the water and I loved watching her enjoy this new activity!
We even had time for a quick game of hide and seek! Truth be told, she was attemping to crawl and got herself backed into a corner. She wasn't really very happy...
The happy family! Emerson wouldn't sleep in her own bed on our trip so three was company! We had a wonderful time and look forward to many more family vacations!