Monday, March 9, 2009

And so it begins....!

What a journey our new life as been! We are truly enjoying every second with Emerson and have started this blog so that everyone follow along on our adventure! I obviously just started this blog so there is a lot to catch up on! I will start with Emerson' s arrival and work forward!
We went into the hospital on Thursday, December 4, 2008 to get ready for the induction. At 8pm they inserted the Cervadil to start the process...I won't go into a lot of detail there ;) I started having much more noticable contractions that evening and into the morning. After being checked multiple times throughout the evening, it appeared that I was progressing, however it was very slowly. The next morning (Friday, December 5) around 7am, I was started on the Pitocin to speed things up. The contractions became even more intense but were still very managable. By 6pm that evening, I still had shown very little progress so the doctor stopped the pitocin and let me eat for the first time in almost 24 hours. I ate some 54th Street food, took a shower and got a little rest before they started the pitocin back up at around 9pm. I rested that evening as much as I could and hoped for the best each time a nurse came in to check me. By 7am Saturday morning, I was still showing very little progress and it was decided that the doctor would break my water. So around 9am, my water was broken...WHOA! What an experience that was! Very soon after, the real contractions began...I had no idea what a contraction really was up to this point...I asked for an epidural around 10:30am! By 11:30am, I had the epidural and life was good! We were hoping now that I couldn't feel the pain, the labor would progress and I would dilate so that I could start pushing. Not the case. At around 7pm that evening, my heart rate started jumping dramatically and in return, so did Emerson's. They decided that I was getting close to becoming preeclamptic and that Emerson needed to come out, for my sake and hers. So Jimmy told our parents what was happening and before to long, I was being prepped for a c section. I was so scared and was crying simply from shear exhaustion and fear of the unknown. Jimmy was wonderful during this whole time and was my rock! So, hair

net in place, they took me to the operating room. It took longer than expected to get my body numb enough to start the procedure but finally they started and Emerson arrived at 8:11pm weighing 9 pounds and 8 ounces. She had a head full of curly dark hair and cried very loudly! It was music to our ears!

The day after we had Emerson, my doctor came in and told me that there were some complications during the c section. Emerson was a very large baby and the incision made to get her out was not big enough so when the doctor pulled her out, my uterus ripped along with my abdominal wall. During the process a uterine artery was severed causing me to lose a lot of blood. I heard the doctor say

to get six pints on reserve but thank goodness, she didn't have to use it. They watched my blood counts the rest of that evening and felt I would be fine with out a transfusion. I was anemic throughout the whole pregnancy, so they just doubled the amount of iron I was already taking. We were thankful that Emerson and I made it through the ordeal with only a little "drama"!

We came home from the hospital on December 9th. Emerson had her 1st doctor's appointment on the 11th. I had been feeling sick for several days and Emerson's doctor saw me and said I looked "awful" and suggested I go the the ER after we left her appointment. That is exactly what we did. We were not there for very long when they came back to us and said they thought I might have had a few blood clots in my lungs that had probably formed after the c section. X-rays showed I had something "unknown" going on in my lungs and although they couldn't pin point the issue, ended up treating me for pnuemonia. I was hospitalized for 4 days. During that time, Emerson could not be there so she got to spend a lot of bonding time with her Grandma Kaye. Jimmy stayed at the hospital with me the whole time and along with my parents, I made it through without losing my mind...It was very hard being away from Emerson! After leaving the hospital, I started feeling much better and continue to feel better all the time!

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